In Lunigiana

We are very proud to launch our 2024 Concert Season!

Contenti di lanciare la Stagione Concertistica del 2024!

To reserve a ticket, click on the desired event

Per riservare un biglietto, clicca sull’evento gradito

Past Venues


Museo degli Agostiniani

Equi Terme



Chiesa della Misericordia

Vernazza – Cinque Terre

Oratorio SS. Trinità


Chiesa di S. Andrea


Castello dell’Aquila

Lago Padule

Chiesa dei SS. Jacopo e Antonio

Welcome to the VIII edition of the Lunigiana International Music Festival!

SAVE THE DATES: JULY 17-27, 2025!

Soon the applications will open and we will share with you the new programs, professors and collaborations!

In the meantime, if you need any clarification, please contact us at

Thank you and see you in Lunigiana!