March 1 2022
April 30 2022
May 30 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus luctus nec ullamcorper mattis pulvinar dapibus leo. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit amet consectetur.
Video/audio recording of maximum 15 minutes with 2 contrasting pieces (YouTube or Vimeo link ONLY)
Curriculum Vitae/Biography (education, awards and performances)
Detailed list of your solo and chamber music repertoire
Copy of a valid passport or national identifican card (if EU citizen)
Scholarship/Fellowship’s request letter of at least 100 words (if applicable, info here)
Receipt of the registration fee
Associazione Amici del Lunigiana International Music Festival
Banca Credite Agricole Fivizzano (MS), Italy, 54013
IBAN: IT78C0623069913000030382647
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus luctus nec ullamcorper mattis pulvinar dapibus leo. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit amet consectetur.
For pre-formed chamber music groups € 45 per member
(€ 30/member for the early deadline)
Payable here or on the website or by wire transfer – only by UE students.
Acceptance confirmation
1 week after the reception of a complete application
First Installment payment deadline
By 2 weeks after the acceptance
Second Installment payment deadline
By 1 month after the first installment payment deadline, but not later than June 20, 2022.
Application Fee
All the above plus 2 to 4 vocal coaching, and Italian Language course
Payment Voice I
Payment Voice II
Payment Installment I
Payment Piano II
All the above plus the orchestra project/orchestral excerpts coaching
Payment Strings I
Payment Strings II
piano/strings, strings, piano/voice, harp/strings, piano duo (4 hands)
Please choose the right amount related to the number of students [ 1 student = 40 € ]
Please choose the right amount related to the number of students
[ 1 student = 40 € ]
One hour daily for a total of 7 lessons.
(The Italian course is included in the Voice Course tuition)
Italian language course payment
For any additional lesson
Chamber music payment
The main housing option is the Ostello Degli Agostiniani, in the main center of Fivizzano. The fee is 15/Euro per day and will provide a staying in a shared room (rooms will be divided by gender) with a shared bathroom and breakfast. In case of special needs, other housing options might be provided at a higher fee and information will be shared by email upon request.
Reservation will need to be made by paying the intended fee by the deadline date of the tuition fee second installment (June 5, 2022).
Payment can be done by clicking here after having agreed with the exact amount based on the venue and the length of staying.
Housing Payment
Lunch included for the whole festival
Meals Package Lunch Payment
Read carefully what it’s included and what it’s not.
Also may consider our special discounts.
Private lessons
A minimum of 4 private lessons
Chamber music coachings
Number according to plan details
Participation to the LIMF Concerto Competition
For strings only: Orchestra Project
Partecipation to seminars/webinars, workshops, masterclasses (except special ones)
Registration fee
to be paid separately
Housing and meals options need to be paid separately if participating in-person
Optional activities
Museum entrances and/or any other activities while visiting new locations
Please check the specific page for more information.
Participants under 16
Need to be accompanied by at least one parent and to provide and pay for their own housing and meals.
SAVE THE DATES: JULY 17-27, 2025!
Soon the applications will open and we will share with you the new programs, professors and collaborations!
In the meantime, if you need any clarification, please contact us at
Thank you and see you in Lunigiana!